Monday, February 22, 2016

Travel On My Mind

It takes a lot of energy to travel all the time. I was looking at my travel plans for the next few months, and I have left very little time for me to catch up on my sleep on the weekends in the wake of a spree of fare wars and really good airfare deals to places like Puerto Rico and Tokyo. And while I am really enjoying my travel life on my nights and weekends, I really hope it doesn't catch up to me eventually.

This weekend, I took a road trip to help my old roommate move back to Wisconsin and I still have not been able to sleep at a normal hour between trying to work on my website and attempting to socialize here. I feel like everyone gets bitten by the travel bug at some point in their life, but once you realize a way to make it happen with the time, energy, and resources that you have available to you, it is SO hard to stop, even when it might not be completely good for you.  O:)

It's not about how travel is fun or leisurely. Travel is actually quite stressful and it takes work to figure out travel plans and to be on the move from one place to the next. The reward is definitely worth it, but it is not all rainbows and butterflies like a lot of people perceive travel to be. I don't feel like I am constantly on vacation. I feel like the world has become an extension of my home and when I travel, I am constantly learning and experiencing new and important things which help to build both myself and the world around me. Unless you are paying big bucks to have a travel agent and/or tour group plan all the details of a trip out for you, travel will always take work. I think I am just lucky that planning travel is something that I really enjoy and have picked up pretty easily. I am a planner by trade after all! I don't know if any of this makes sense because it is around 3am right now, but I hope someone out there understands my ramblings :)

As far as my travel plans go, while I don't mind returning to places I have visited already, like Rio de Janeiro and Paris this year, I think I need to start using my resources to see new places and new things going forward.  And that is going to take some work for me to figure out some of those new places I can realistically go to with what vacation time I have left and what miles and cash I have available. Which is not a lot now that I have a handful of trips booked for the near future. We will see if I can get creative with this. Hearing about the new flights to Cuba in the news gets me excited for my travel future. I can't wait to figure this out!

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